Crash Barrier supplier in Mumbai Thane India

TMT Bar Chowdhary Steel & Sons

Crash Barrier Uses

These Crash barriers are used to protect traffic from hazards such as steep slopes, sharp bends, etc. that might otherwise cause rollover crashes. Crash barriers are designed to increase the safety on roads and highways. They also prevent vehicles from entering opposite lanes thereby lowering the risk of dangerous crashes.

Crash barriers are engineered to absorb and dissipate this kinetic energy over a controlled distance, reducing the impact of forces exerted on the vehicle occupants. This energy absorption mechanism helps minimise the severity of collisions and reduces the risk of serious injuries or fatalities.

Crash barriers are safety measures that protect motorists and pedestrians from roadside hazards and collisions:

Prevent vehicles from leaving the road

Crash barriers keep vehicles from veering off the road, especially in accident-prone areas like highways, bridges, and flyovers.

Protect from hazards:

Crash barriers protect vehicles from roadside hazards like steep slopes, sharp bends, boulders, and storm drains.

Redirect vehicles back onto the road:

Crash barriers help minimize the impact of collisions by redirecting vehicles back onto the road.

Protect pedestrians and cyclists:

Crash barriers on bridges prevent pedestrians, cyclists, trucks, and buses from falling over the barrier and into the roadway, river, or railroad below.

Highlight safe travel limits:

The visibility of crash barriers helps drivers know the limit of safe travel, especially at night or in fog.

Require little maintenance

Crash barriers are designed to withstand high impacts and require very little maintenance.

Some types of crash barriers include:

  • W (or Armco) barrier: Used as a roadside barrier or to screen roadside hazards
  • Box beam guide rail : Often used on bridges, particularly for median barriers
  • Roller barrier : An upgraded steel barrier with plastic rollers to reduce the severity of a collision